About Me


I’m Angela, a Foodie. I live in  Cary, North Carolina.  Cary is my home town and I returned here in 2011 from living in  other towns in North Carolina and South Carolina. I’m here to stay. I love to cook and have since I was a kid.  My mom and dad both worked and I would make a lot of the meals for the family. Sometimes it was repetitive meals and then other times, there were what most call “experiments”.

Sometimes they ate the experiments and other times, I chalked it up to a learning experience. My brother survived and I think he’s got an iron stomach because of it!!

Now, later in life I’ve come a long way and have learned more about cooking healthy and on a budget.  I guess I can be called a “Foodie”.  Healthy cooking is highest of priorities.  I have entered a lot of different types of recipe and cooking contests and have won about 15, including a Trip to NY City and Tickets to the Rachael Ray Show! That was a BLAST!!

I’m hoping that this blog can help someone else fuel their fire about food and cooking new and unique recipes.


I wanted to add just a note that I’m a Mommy to 2 wonderful furry doggies. If you’re a dog lover, you’ll know what I mean.DSCN0678

I have 2 long-hair chihuahuas.  Such good puppies! Maggie is the black and tan larger dog and Godiva (“GiGi”) is the little one, or rather pudgy little one. She eats so much we think she thinks she’s as big as Maggie. And Maggie, she thinks she’s a big dog… a really big dog! They’re really good about trying to protect their mommy! They are also a lot of fun to have around.

I try to cook them food and treats using brown rice, rolled oats and vegetables. They particularly like carrots so long as they still have some crunch. When it’s a hot day, they like a cold celery stick or carrot stick.

I could go on and on. But I always find time to play and to learn from them. They’re so resilient and playful.